贺新郎(题双溪冯熙之交游风月之楼) Congratulate benedict Question Sungai Feng Xi Companion in adversity swim Gentle breeze and bright moonlight S Building
贺新郎 congratulate benedict
贺新郎(菊) Congratulate benedict chrysanthemum
贺新郎(梅) Congratulate benedict plum
木兰花慢(题冯云月玉连环词后) Magnolia huaman Question on Feng Yun Jade interlink After word
木兰花慢(乙巳病中) Magnolia huaman Otomi Disease
木兰花慢(怀旧) Magnolia Huaman nostalgia
南柯子(丁酉清明) Nanke child Ding sober and calm
南柯子(丙申重九) Nanke child Bingshen the Double Ninth Festival (9th day of the 9th lunar month)
行香子(梅) The hong son plum
卖花声(忆旧) Flower sound to recall the bygone days with nostalgia
长相思(秋怀) long lovesickness Huai Qiu
长相思(秋夜) long lovesickness Autumn Night
感皇恩(送饶溪嘉游浙) Affect the emperor's kindness Zhejiang Jia You Xi Rao delivery
蝶恋花(春感) Butterfly in Love Spring feeling
摸鱼儿(为遗蜕山中桃花作,寄冯云月) Mo yuer For the genetic profile and In the mountains Peach months for Send Feng Yun
水龙吟(赠丁南邻) Shuilong yin Small gifts South
清平乐(宫怨) Qingping Yue Palace blame
清平乐(宫词) Qingping Yue Palace Lyrics
酹江月(戏题玉林) Pour out libation the moon's reflection on a river Movie title Yulin
古诗 ancient style poetry
天上传新火,人间试袷衣。 定巢新燕觅香泥。 不为绣帘朱户、说相思。 侧帽吹飞絮,凭栏送落晖。 粉痕销淡锦书稀。 怕见山南山北、子规啼。