宋代 陈三聘 Chen Sanpin  宋代  
满江红(冬至) Azolla midwinter
满江红 Azolla
满江红(雨后携家游西湖,荷花盛开) Azolla After the rain Brought home Swim the west lake lotus in (full) flower
满江红 Azolla
千秋岁(重到桃花坞) Qian qiusui Important to the peach Flowers dock
浣溪沙 Huan Xisha
浣溪沙(新安驿席上留别) Huan xisha Xin'an remount stations Scholars give souvenir on parting
浣溪沙 Huan Xisha
浣溪沙(元夕后三日王文明席上) Huan xisha Lantern Festival three days after the king Civilisation scholars
浣溪沙 Huan Xisha
浣溪沙 Huan Xisha
朝中措(丙午立春大雪,是岁十二月九日丑时立春) Chao zhongcuo Heigo The beginning of spring Heavy snow Is old Dec The ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar the period from 1 to 3 a.m. the Beginning of Spring
朝中措 Chao Zhongcuo
朝中措 Chao Zhongcuo
朝中措 Chao Zhongcuo
朝中措 Chao Zhongcuo
蝶恋花 Butterfly in Love
南柯子 NanKe child
南柯子 NanKe child
南柯子(七夕) NanKe child the seventh evening of the seventh moon(when according to legend the Cowherd and the Weaver Maid meet in Heaven)
水调歌头 Shuidiaogetou
水调歌头(燕山九日作) Shuidiaogetou Yan On the 9th to
西江月 the west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the moon's reflection on a river
古诗 ancient style poetry


