洞仙歌(寿老人) Dong xiange birthday companion
贺新郎(和狄志父秋日述怀) Congratulate benedict And the parent TIK Chi-yuen Autumn Huai above
水调歌头(寿武公望) Shuidiaogetou birthday Wu Gongwang
沁园春(和苏宣教韵) Qin Yuan Chun and Su Propaganda and education charm
千秋岁(寿外姑) Qian qiusui birthday Foreign Gu
青玉案(书七里桥店) Qing yuan Seven Mile Bridge Book Store
青玉案(重九忆罗舜举) Qing yuan The double ninth festival (9th day of the 9th lunar month) recall Luo Shunju
满庭芳(丁未生朝和韵酬表弟武公望) Man ting fang Dingwei, the forty-fourth of the cycle of the sixty in chinese calendar Korean students To adapt rhymes to a given sound fulfil A son of father's sister or of mother's brother or sister,who is younger than oneself Wu Gongwang
凤栖梧(寿长嫂) Only to find out Mrs. Hisanaga
凤栖梧(寿外舅) Only to find out birthday father-in-law