宋代 李好古 Li Haogu  宋代  
Bashengganzhou Yangzhou
Jiang Chengzai
Jiang Chengzai
Shuidiaogetou And Kim focus
pour out libation the moon's reflection on a river
pour out libation the moon's reflection on a river
Congratulate benedict Monk Rufanzhairuan
Qingping Yue
Qingping Yue
Huan Xisha
Song Form
Song Form Chuisi chinese cherry apple scattered
Song Form
Ye Golden Gate
Huan Xisha
Multiple poems at a time
Jiang Chengzai

Jiang Chengzai

   Li Haogu

Pincha Asakusa take forever. Road boundless. Rise and fall of a few.
Last night, the sound wave. Wash the shore of bone frost.
Heroes through the ages into the end of things, only feeling, 谩 desolate.
Youth interested in volts Bank. Guo name of the king. Sweep the battlefield.
Ji hit stream, remember the tears had stained clothes.
To order on double-Que far, air Chang Wang, Guo Weiyang.
  Weiyang poem is written directly to the front five and the last two sentences. Written before the five knowledge, the end point Weiyang, the whole word that constitute a whole in the middle of the feeling among some of Conceiving is poised, so make the compact, lyrical focus, should be carefully arranged for the author.
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