宋代 张伯玉 Zhang Bayu  宋代  
罢新定至钱塘喜见孙观书记 New _set_ to strike Qiantang Glad to see Michael Sun amanuensis
出七里泷口望桐庐县 I look out qililong Tonglu County
初夏同孝叔游普光寺 The first month of summer Xiao-Yu Pu Guangsi with Uncle
初夏同孝叔游朱氏园 The first month of summer With Xiao Shu swim Park, Yun Gee Garden
次韵王治臣九日使君席上二章 Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Wang Zhichen The ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china Scholars Chapter II
次韵王治臣九日使君席上二章 Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Wang Zhichen The ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china Scholars Chapter II
答王越州蓬莱阁 A state of Wang Yue A fabled abode of immortals cabinet
答延平王八使君望江亭见怀之什 A Yanping Tortoise honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient China Hope jiang ting See wai Of even
到新定后却寄苏州蒋侍郎 After the new _set_ was sent Suzhou (city) surname assistant minister
登乌龙山诗阁 Deng Wu Shan Ascott
钓台 fishing table
饭芝川村舍 Rice Shibakawa cottage
港口渡 Ferry Port
和国镇晚秋斋中见寄 And the country town Late autumn Fast in See Send
和王治臣新定即事 And Wang Zhichen new _set_ that is something
后庵试茶 After the Temple Try tea
虎丘 Tiger
会稽山 meeting Check Mountain
寄会稽刁景纯学士 Send Kuiji Diao King Pure bachelor
古诗 ancient style poetry


