宋代 沈端节 Shen Duanjie  宋代  
The five blessings--longevity, wealth, health, love of virtue, natural death happy Mediation plum
divination operator
divination operator
divination operator
divination operator
Same Name
Southern Poems
Magpie Fairies
drunk abjection
Too often lead
Ye Golden Gate
Ye Golden Gate
Ye Golden Gate
Song Form
Song Form
Huan Xisha
The Hong Son
Xi Ying move
Song Form
Chao Zhongcuo
Stories of
Stories of
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

affect the emperor's kindness

   Shen Duanjie

Margaret micro gas Xiao, Huang float switch.
Tung Kok Mei negative view of poetry eyes.
Full vessel green wine, got the right stuff to sing a pro-advised.
Ready to go from today, a long meet.
Huan Bao tent thick, soft jade Incense.
Health should be the mayor each winter.
River bed embroidered children, gradually warming days later the wind.
The end of everything against him, Rao line.
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