宋代 舒亶 Shu Shan  宋代   (1041~1103)
Lin jiangxian Li Yi Yin make early delivery
Zuihua yin Try tea
Zuihua yin More states Scholars Courtesan dedicate mumeplant japanese
Ugly slave children Second division to rhyme
A drop cable Park and Lee Chao Feng Chiang
A drop cable
Man ting fang rear Day again Zhijiu Times Feng Straight from top to bottom charm
Divination operator Subtopic Have moss
Song Form
Song Form
Song Form
Song Form
Song Form
Song form Plays Liu Physician trained in herb medicine admire Flowers rhyme
Song form Scholars Send Yin Leung straight from top to bottom
Song form Send Fenghua (in ming and qing dynasty) county magistrate Qin Feng-Yee
Song Form
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Song Form

   Shu Shan

Wind tears the river for three years.
Yao Yan apricot peach no spring.
For today's open brow.
Nakan more parting.
Mo Liu folding pavilion.
Off to do still worry.
Only drunk like crazy.
Life is empty heartbroken.

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