宋代 富弼 Fu Bi  宋代  
弼觀罷走筆書後捲 View stop Bute Write rapidly Book paper
弼竊覽長篇斷章有十二人中第二人之句又賦一絶上呈 Bute theft Glance Novelist Down in chapter Troubadour philtrum Second The sentence Also fu A special skill On was
答鄭州祖竜圖見寄原韻 answer Zheng zhou Tso Lung, see Send Original rhyme
定州閱古堂 Dingzhou read the ancient Church
過邵堯夫先生 Guo Shao Takao baas
涵虛閣 Han virtual cabinet
偈 Buddhist hymn
寄裴士林 Send PEI intellectual circles
寄題醉翁亭 lodge at inscribe Zui Weng Ting
句 sentence
句 sentence
句 sentence
十月二十四日早始見雪登白雲臺閑望亂道走書呈堯夫先生 october Score siri Early start See snow ascend Bai township _set_ Look busy To say what should not be said Take the book was Takao baas
嵩巫亭 Song Wu Ting
睢陽五老園 Park Five Elders of Sui Garden
歲在鍛醜年始七十年正旦日書事 Years beginning in forging ugly year Three score and ten, ie 70 year The first day of the lunar year daily Book thing
歲在鍛醜年始七十年正旦日書事 Years beginning in forging ugly year Three score and ten, ie 70 year The first day of the lunar year daily Book thing
歲在鍛醜年始七十年正旦日書事 Years beginning in forging ugly year Three score and ten, ie 70 year The first day of the lunar year daily Book thing
歲在癸醜年始七十年正旦日書事 Years beginning at age Guichou Three score and ten, ie 70 year The first day of the lunar year daily Book thing
古詩 ancient style poetry


