宋代 孙光宪 Sun Guangxian  宋代   (901~968)
风流子 Merry son
竹枝 Bamboo
杂曲歌辞·竹枝 Potpourri Songs Bamboo
杂曲歌辞·杨柳枝 Potpourri Songs poplar osier
杨柳枝词四首 Poplar osier vocable 4
采莲 Lotus
八拍蛮 Man shot eight
句 sentence
引自落便宜句 Quoted from falling Fuck sentence
竹枝 Bamboo
浣溪沙 Huan Xisha
河传 River Communication
菩萨蛮 Song Form
河渎神 River profaneness
虞美人 the field [red] poppy
后庭花 (orig.) name of a form of Chinese poetry called "tzu" (now pornographically) the anus
生查子 Child health check
临江仙 Lin Jiangxian
酒泉子 Jiuquan child
清平乐 Qingping Yue
更漏子 change loophole
女冠子 woman crest
风流子 Merry son
定西番 _Set_ Zephaniah
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷762_50
