莺啼序·重过金陵 Dalian university Resume Jinling Tomb
金人捧露盘(越州越王台) Kin holding plate exposed More states Yuewang Taiwan
琴调相思引(越上赏花) Piano notes lovesickness casue More on Flower
长相思(越上寄雪江) Long lovesickness Yueshangjixue River
传言玉女(钱塘元夕) Gossip teen idol Qiantang Lantern Festival
好事近(浙江楼闻笛) Good near Zhejiang Building Pipe
洞仙歌(BC2E·陵赵府兵后僧多占作佛屋) Dong xiange Ling Zhao Fu bing After the monk Selfishly, excluding others Buddhas House
莺啼序(重过金陵) Dalian university Resume Jinling Tomb
水龙吟(淮河舟中夜闻宫人琴声) Shuilong yin The huaihe river Boat Evening News Court ladies Tweedle
望江南(幽州九日) Coffee senna seed You state the ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar
卜算子(河南送妓移居河西) Divination operator Henan province Send prostitutes Migrate Hexi region
满江红(和王昭仪韵) Azolla And Yun Wang Zhaoyi
满江红(吴山) Azolla Wu Shan
一翦梅(怀旧) 1 Jian Mei nostalgia
糖多令(吴江中秋) Sugar and more so Wujiang mid-autumn
鹧鸪天 Partridge days
眼儿媚 Those bewitching eyes
忆王孙(集句数首,甚婉娩,情至可观) Recall prince's descendant cento The first even number Amiably Emotion be worth seeing
忆王孙 recall prince's descendant
忆王孙 recall prince's descendant
忆王孙 recall prince's descendant
古诗 ancient style poetry
西园春暮。 乱草迷行路。 风卷残花堕红雨。 念旧巢燕子,飞傍谁家,斜阳外、长笛一声今古。 繁华流水去。 舞歇歌沈,忍见遗钿种香土。 渐橘树方生,桑枝才长,都付与、沙门为主。 便关防、不放贵游来,又突兀梯空,楚王宫宇。