北宋 黄庭坚 Huang Tingjian  北宋   (1045~1105)
清平乐 Qingping Yue
清平乐(示知命) Qingping yue instruct the age of fifty
忆帝京(赠弹琵琶妓) Recall the capital Gift bomb Lute prostitute
清平乐(私情) Qingping Yue amour
画堂春 Painting Spring Church
画堂春 Painting Spring Church
鹧鸪天(明日独酌自嘲呈史应之) Partridge days Tomorrow Drinking alone by moonlight History was joked to be the
鹧鸪天(坐中有眉山隐客史应之和前韵,即席答之) Partridge days Sit in Meishan Customer should be the hidden history and the former rhyme Extempore A s
鹧鸪天 Partridge days
鹧鸪天 Partridge days
醉落魄 drunk abjection
醉落魄 drunk abjection
醉落魄 drunk abjection
南乡子(知命弟去年重九日在涪陵作此曲) Tone of the south The age of fifty younger brother Yesteryear The double ninth festival (9th day of the 9th lunar month) For song at Fuling
南乡子(今年重九,知命已向成都,感之,次韵) Tone of the south This year The double ninth festival (9th day of the 9th lunar month) The age of fifty Has Chengdu Flu write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words
南乡子 Tone of the South
南乡子 Tone of the South
南乡子(重阳日寄怀永康彭道微使君,用坡旧韵) Tone of the south The double ninth festival daily Send Huai Yong Kang Peng channel micro Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china Yongpojiuyun
点绛唇(重九日寄怀嗣直弟,时再涪陵。用东坡余九日点绛唇旧韵) Point jiangshouju lip The double ninth festival (9th day of the 9th lunar month) Send Wye on Si straight again when the younger brother of Fuling with Su Yu The ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar Point jiangshouju lip Old Rhyme
谒金门(戏赠知命) Ye golden gate Xi Zeng the age of fifty
采桑子(送彭道微使君移知永康军) Cai sangzi Delivery micro-Peng Tao Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china Move to know Yong Kang
采桑子 Cai Sangzi
古诗 ancient style poetry


