宋代 魏野 Wei Ye  宋代  
送任秉南归 Bing Ren delivery Go South
送闰师之长安谢紫衣 Run the teacher to send Chang'an (surname) purple
送润上人南游 Send Run Buddhist monk South Tour
送三门发运辛寺丞赴阙 Burn paper-money to send the ghost away on the third day of one's death Door Departure Xinsicheng Fuque
送陕尉邵国华南归 Send Shan Wei Roddy Shaw Go South
送师刑部赴阙 Normal delivery The ministry of punishments in feudal china Fuque
送石太尉移镇许昌 accompany Stone qiu Yi Town Xuchang (Hsuchang)
送孙磻西游 Songsunpan Journey to the West
送孙推官之阙下 Push to send officials of the palace under the Sun
送孙状元监丞赴阙 Sent Sun The very best (in any field) Jian Cheng Fuque
送太白山人俞太中之商于访道友王知常洎归故山 accompany Vesper mountain Yu Tai in the business people in Interview road You know the king return often JI Reason Mountain
送唐殿院罢蜀中提刑赴诏兼呈孙大谏 Send Tang Temple institute cease Xiu Tixing Fuzhaojiancheng Sun Big remonstrance
送唐肃察院赴东川提刑 accompany Tang su Cha Yuan went to Dongchuan Tixing
送唐肃察院赴阙兼呈府尹孙大谏 accompany Tang su Cha Yuan Fuque And was Prefectural magistrate grandson Big remonstrance
送外甥李渭进士赴举 Accompany nephew Li Wei A successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations Go give
送王辟赴举 The provision of sending the king Go give
送王国博赴江南提刑 accompany Kingdom Bo go South of the changjiang river Tixing
送王国博赴江南提刑 accompany Kingdom Bo go South of the changjiang river Tixing
送王国博赴江南提刑 accompany Kingdom Bo go South of the changjiang river Tixing
送王国博赴江南提刑 accompany Kingdom Bo go South of the changjiang river Tixing
古诗 ancient style poetry


