舟中风雪五绝 Boat Snow poem of four lines having five characters to each line
舟中风雪五绝 Boat Snow poem of four lines having five characters to each line
舟中风雪五绝 Boat Snow poem of four lines having five characters to each line
舟中风雪五绝 Boat Snow poem of four lines having five characters to each line
舟中风雪五绝 Boat Snow poem of four lines having five characters to each line
诸子将筑室以画图相示三首 The exponents of the various schools of thought during the period from pre-qin times to the early years of the han dynasty general Zhu shi with Draw a picture Xiangshisanshou
竹枝歌 Bamboo Song
渚宫 Example Palace
筑室示三子 Zhu Shi Said third son
追尊皇太后挽词二首 Zhuizun Empress Wan-Ci 2
子瞻和陶公读山海经诗欲同作而未成梦中得数句觉而补之 Zaizhan And tao Public Read the classic of mountains and rivers Shiyutongzuo'erweicheng Dream The solution of a problem in arithmetic Jujue'erbuzhi