北宋 范仲淹 Fan Zhongyan  北宋   (989~1052)
送僧文光 Send to a monk Man ray
送识上人游金山寺 Give knowledge Buddhist monk swim Jinshan Temple, where Fahai lives (from Madam White Snake)
送魏介之江西提点 Mediated delivery of Wei Jiangxi Reminded
送吴安道学士知崇州 Send Miss Ann A confucian school of philosophy of the song dynasty Shichisuke Chongzhou
送向综国傅通判桂州 Sent to the Comprehensive State Fu An official under county magistrate who administers lawsuit,etc. Guizhou
送谢景初迁凭宰馀姚 accompany Xie jingchu Qianpingzaiyu Yao
送邢昂处士南游 Send Xing Ang Department disabilities South Tour
送徐登山人 Send Xu Teng hermit
送郧乡尉黄通 Yun Heung Wei Huang sent through
送湛公归四明讲席 Zhan delivery of public Go four clear Lecturer
送真元二上人归吴中 Send real per second Buddhist monk return Wuzhong
苏州十咏其八·伍相庙 Suzhou (city) 10 Wing The eight Temple Wu-phase
苏州十咏其二·木兰堂 Suzhou (city) 10 Wing Second, Magnolia hall
苏州十咏其九·观风楼 Suzhou (city) 10 Wing The nine be on the lookout Building
苏州十咏其六·灵岩寺 Suzhou (city) 10 Wing Sixth Lingyan
苏州十咏其七·太湖 Suzhou (city) 10 Wing The seven Taihu
苏州十咏其三·洞庭山 Suzhou (city) 10 Wing Third Dongting Mountain
苏州十咏其十·南园 Suzhou (city) 10 Wing The 10 South Park Garden
苏州十咏其四·虎丘山 Suzhou (city) 10 Wing Fourth Tiger Mountain
苏州十咏其五·阊门 Suzhou (city) 10 Wing Fifth Chang men
苏州十咏其一·泰州十咏 Suzhou (city) 10 Wing First or firstly Taizhou 10 Wing
睢阳学舍书怀 Suiyang School house Form was
古诗 ancient style poetry


