庭坚得邑太和六舅按节出同安邂逅于皖公溪口风雨阻留十日对榻夜语因咏谁知风雨夜复此对床眠别後觉斯言可念列置十字字为八句寄呈十首 Yi Ting Jian Wo six uncle was out by section Tongan encounter rain in Anhui Xikou retention of the public on the couch 10 words for Yong knows the night night after the rain Do not sleep on the bed after the sleep he has made cross-word can be read out _s
庭坚得邑太和六舅按节出同安邂逅于皖公溪口风雨阻留十日对榻夜语因咏谁知风雨夜复此对床眠别後觉斯言可念列置十字字为八句寄呈十首 Yi Ting Jian Wo six uncle was out by section Tongan encounter rain in Anhui Xikou retention of the public on the couch 10 words for Yong knows the night night after the rain Do not sleep on the bed after the sleep he has made cross-word can be read out _s
同景文丈咏莲塘 Lin Tong Yong Jing Wen with husband
同刘景文游郭氏西园因留宿 alike Liu jing West Park because Kuo Yu Wen stay
同钱志仲饭藉田钱孺文官舍 Rice with Qian Zhizhong Ji Tianqianruwen Official residences
同世弼韵作寄伯氏在济南兼呈六舅祠部 s in Jinan Jianchengliujiu Cibu
同宋景瞻分题汴上行 With Judge Song Zhan Subtopic name of a river in Henan to go up to the north
同苏子平李德叟登擢秀阁 alike Semen perillae acutae Ping Li Sou Deng zhuo Show House
同孙不愚过昆阳 Sun does not fool with too Kunyang
同王稚川晏叔原饭寂照房 With Wang Zhi Chuan Yanshuyuanfan Jizhao room
同谢公定携书浴室院汶师置饭作此 alike Xie gongding Courier Bath School meals for the home division Timor
同尧民游灵源庙廖献臣置酒用马陵二字赋诗二首 People travel with Yao Ling Temple Liaoxian Chen Zhi Jiu source word with Maling Indite 2
同尧民游灵源庙廖献臣置酒用马陵二字赋诗二首 People travel with Yao Ling Temple Liaoxian Chen Zhi Jiu source word with Maling Indite 2
同韵和元明兄知命弟九日相忆二首 Brother with the rhyme and the Yuan and Ming The age of fifty younger brother The ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar Yi-2 phase
同韵和元明兄知命弟九日相忆二首 Brother with the rhyme and the Yuan and Ming The age of fifty younger brother The ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar Yi-2 phase
同子瞻和赵伯充团练 With Zi Zhan and Mr Chiu charge civil corps