南宋 郑清之 Zheng Qingzhi  南宋   (1176~1251)
句 sentence
句 sentence
觉际閒行 Interpersonal perception Busy Line
觉际闲坐纪所见 Interpersonal perception Sit portion of time in the development of the earth's surface See
客有诵袁蒙斋得雨酬倡之什辄赓元韵志喜也呈虚斋使君 Keyousongyuan Meng chai Deyu Pay advocate The even Zhe Geng Yuan Yun Chi hi Also showed Virtual vegetarian honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient China
客有诵袁蒙斋得雨酬倡之什辄赓元韵志喜也呈虚斋使君 Keyousongyuan Meng chai Deyu Pay advocate The even Zhe Geng Yuan Yun Chi hi Also showed Virtual vegetarian honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient China
客有诵袁蒙斋得雨酬倡之什辄赓元韵志喜也呈虚斋使君 Keyousongyuan Meng chai Deyu Pay advocate The even Zhe Geng Yuan Yun Chi hi Also showed Virtual vegetarian honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient China
口占 to improvise
林治中近有捕虎之役调以拙诗 Forest governance in the Battle of the past have caught the tiger tune to Zhuo Shi
林治中郑广文以诗来遣鲁酒报聘拙语辅行 Forest governance Zheng an Wen Lu wine of poetry to removal To offer thanks to a neighboring country Clumsy language Auxiliary line
灵隐慧上人惠诗为古风以赠 Lingyin broom Buddhist monk Hui Poem Archaism To grant
灵隐慧上人惠诗为古风以赠 Lingyin broom Buddhist monk Hui Poem Archaism To grant
梅 plum
孟童中异科而还来访余於行都赐第辄赠以诗 Bangladeshi children in different subjects and also Come (a)round Balance Row Grant no. Zhe gift to Poetry
默坐偶成 sit silently Even as
默坐偶成 sit silently Even as
默坐偶成 sit silently Even as
古诗 ancient style poetry


