宋代 苏辙 Su Zhe  宋代   (1039~1112)
songmaojunzhishihai Township
accompany Mao pang Zhai Lang
accompany Qian zhi nephew Seogui
accompany Qingzhou Sign Panyutuiweng Resign still Huzhou
Songraozhouzhouwo Xiucai Mianjie
Send in any division An official under county magistrate who administers lawsuit,etc. Huangzhou
Songsugongzuo Title of an official in the tang dynasty whose job it was to revise historical records know Azusa State
accompany Wang gong Jianjian Title of the military officer subter general Wang Shen
Songwangke Physician trained in herb medicine Zhixiangzhou
accompany King fitness Xuzhou Fuxue
Songwangtinglao Toward san Zhiguozhou
Songwangzhang Prefect Fuzhending Sun he just Provision of books
Songwangzhengeishizhi Cai Zhou
Transmittal and Able to understand Huzhou
accompany Surname Zijun Also towards Jianjianfanjingren
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

songmaojunzhishihai Township

   Su Zhe

Masquerade ancient things, not at home to ask whether the.
But the swan made of, not pose arrest.
Xi Sheng public, the terraced rice paddies with Sanqu.
Depository economic cold and hungry, lonely marriage custodial business.
Daughter went to high justice, sell have a moment.
Late for the Erqian Dan forego the compensation of the Bu.
Fuzhang no longer made, but the text entertainment.
I hate see the public late frost to be down slowly.
High Yin put pen to paper to see, drama drink dumbfound pot.
Guilt do not know who, agreeable lotus Yu.
Juventa knock-day http, Mountain House made it spin.
Friends less than to seek and relatives also exclaimed.
The intention of life, He Xia asked customs Act.
Sigh I'm curious section, sighed the public really her husband.
Day High Pianfan far-off breeze 徂 head.
However, Paul should be the Orient House, Fu Xiang Xie Ying laugh.
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