北宋 黄庭坚 Huang Tingjian  北宋   (1045~1105)
十四弟归洪州赋莫如兄弟四章赠行 Myristic acid Fu brother go Hongzhou Would be better Brethren Chapters gift line
十四弟归洪州赋莫如兄弟四章赠行 Myristic acid Fu brother go Hongzhou Would be better Brethren Chapters gift line
十月十三日泊舟白沙江口 october Thirtieth day of a month Bo Zhou White sands Estuary
十月十五早饭清都观逍遥堂 October Fifteen Breakfast View all Happy Qing Tong
食瓜有感 Fresh melon Thoughts
食笋十韵 Fresh bamboo shoots 10 Yun
史天休中散挽词 History of days off in San pull words
史应之赞 History should be the praise
世弼病方家不善论蛤蜊之功戏答 Shi Bi disease A person who is well versed in certain skill,art,etc. Bad determine Long surf clam A show of power
世弼惠诗求舜泉辄欲以长安酥共泛一杯次韵戏答 Shibihuishi Qiushunquanzhe Want to take(this) Chang'an Cakes were pan- Glassful Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words A play
寿禅师悟道颂 birthday Honorific title for a buddhist monk Satori eulogy
寿圣观道士黄至明开小隐轩太守徐公为题曰快轩庭坚集句咏之 San Shou View Taoist Huang Zhiming open saphenous Hin Procurator Xu Xuan public for the title said, Ting Kin fast Cento Wing
书蔡秀才屏风颂四首任午岁 Books Cai Xiucai Divider Song 4 First person to be appointed to a post At age
书蔡秀才屏风颂四首 Books Cai Xiucai Divider Chung 4
书蔡秀才屏风颂四首 Books Cai Xiucai Divider Chung 4
书东坡画郭功父壁上墨竹 Books Su Huaguogongfu wall bamboos painted with Chinese ink
书磨崖碑後 After grinding Cliff Monument Books
书扇 Fan book
书石牛溪旁大石上 book Shek nga Large stream crevice
书睢阳事後 Book of Sui behindhand
书王氏梦锡扇 book Wang shi Dream tin fan
书舞阳西寺旧题处 Old book title Wuyang West Temple Office
古诗 ancient style poetry


