宋代 方岳 Fang Yue  宋代   (1199~1262)
shè yùn Sheri write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words
shè wàn jiān zhāo yǐn wǎng
shè hàn shū shí Sheri To drought Shu Shi
shè míng shū jiàn guò
shí 'èr yuè 'èr shí xuě gài sān nián huái cái jiàn 'ěr shí dōng shī shòu féi shuǐ jié shū lái zǒu chéng zhào gōng jiè guān yǒu zuì
shí 'èr yuè shí
shí yuè liù yuán dīng zhì October On the 6th Mali Purple Ink home
shí sūn 'ǒu zhōng tóng chéng yòu shī yùn Shisun brother even in a poetic way of child subjects write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words
shí sūn shì tóng jùn guǎng wén zèng zhī shī dài gēng wéi xiè Shisun test Child county Drillmaster Poem for the gift on behalf of Geng Xie
shí sūn shì tóng jùn guǎng wén zèng zhī shī dài gēng wéi xiè Shisun test Child county Drillmaster Poem for the gift on behalf of Geng Xie
shí sūn shòu mìng Shi Sun receive instructions
shí shì event
shí māo sǔn
shǐ jiàn tái zhāng dàn miàn sēng chún wěn wèi
shì xián kuí bǎi yùn guò qiū xià piān chōng róng nǎi jìn guī liáo xiào pín Type Yin and Tu Yun Kui House had more than 100 major articles cliff fall Chung yung Strength Is the strength of its Guiyeliaofu play the ape
shì zài yòng yùn Is the eve of the rain Resume charm
shòu jiào shòu birthday professor
shòu jiào shòu
shòu gào kǒu hào
shòu gào kǒu hào
shū càn xiànggōng méi juàn Mei-volume book Can xianggongzhuang
shū dài shì zhī shī juàn
shū duàn book bluff
shū xīng
duō shǒu yī yè
shī ancient style poetry
shè yùn


  xiè hòu zhì lóng jiǔchūn fēng miǎn chú
   yàn lái shuāng bìn xuěhuā chuáng shū
   què shēng cǎoshān bǎo fàn shū
   zǎi píng shǒu jué lǎo huái shū
