社日次韵 Sheri write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words
社日以旱蔬食 Sheri To drought Shu Shi
十月六日园丁置墨紫 October On the 6th Mali Purple Ink home
石孙偶中童科程弟有诗次韵 Shisun brother even in a poetic way of child subjects write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words
石孙试童子郡广文赠之诗代赓为谢 Shisun test Child county Drillmaster Poem for the gift on behalf of Geng Xie
石孙试童子郡广文赠之诗代赓为谢 Shisun test Child county Drillmaster Poem for the gift on behalf of Geng Xie
石孙受命 Shi Sun receive instructions
时事 event
式贤和杜夔府百韵过余秋崖下大篇舂容笔力乃劲于其归也聊复效颦 Type Yin and Tu Yun Kui House had more than 100 major articles cliff fall Chung yung Strength Is the strength of its Guiyeliaofu play the ape