元代 方回 Fang Hui  元代   (1227~1305)
寄题休宁赵氏云屋省心翠侍问道亭有有堂五首 Send a question Shibataea Zhao state Cloud house Save worry Cui Shi Asked There are Hall 5 Pavilion
寄题休宁赵氏云屋省心翠侍问道亭有有堂五首 Send a question Shibataea Zhao state Cloud house Save worry Cui Shi Asked There are Hall 5 Pavilion
寄题休宁赵氏云屋省心翠侍问道亭有有堂五首 Send a question Shibataea Zhao state Cloud house Save worry Cui Shi Asked There are Hall 5 Pavilion
寄题休宁赵氏云屋省心翠侍问道亭有有堂五首 Send a question Shibataea Zhao state Cloud house Save worry Cui Shi Asked There are Hall 5 Pavilion
寄题云屋赵资敬启蒙亭风雩亭二首 Send title information Jing Zhao Yun Uk Enlighten booth Praying for rain, wind Pavilion 2
寄题云屋赵资敬启蒙亭风雩亭二首 Send title information Jing Zhao Yun Uk Enlighten booth Praying for rain, wind Pavilion 2
寄题张受益会清堂 Send questions Zhang Benefit Church will be clear
寄题赵高士委顺山房 Send questions Zhao Excellent person Committee Shun Shan Fang
寄题朱信州自闲堂 Send questions Zhu letter from the idle state court
寄同年宗兄桐江府判去言五首 lodge at Class A clansman of one's generation who is older than oneself Tung river Government contractors to word 5
寄同年宗兄桐江府判去言五首 lodge at Class A clansman of one's generation who is older than oneself Tung river Government contractors to word 5
寄同年宗兄桐江府判去言五首 lodge at Class A clansman of one's generation who is older than oneself Tung river Government contractors to word 5
寄同年宗兄桐江府判去言五首 lodge at Class A clansman of one's generation who is older than oneself Tung river Government contractors to word 5
寄同年宗兄桐江府判去言五首 lodge at Class A clansman of one's generation who is older than oneself Tung river Government contractors to word 5
寄魏鹤台并呈虚舟 Send Wei Crane taiwan And the boat was empty
寄许太初 Send Hsu was in the beginning
寄阎承旨靖轩 Send Yan Cheng Zhi Jing Xuan
寄赠集虚孟高士 Complimentary copy _Set_ Virtual Bangladesh excellent person
寄赠介石沈高士并序 Complimentary copy Kai-shek (surname) Excellent person And sequence
寄赠介石沈高士并序 Complimentary copy Kai-shek (surname) Excellent person And sequence
古诗 ancient style poetry


