和虑可庵悲秋十首 And consider Kaan Feel sad with withered plants in the autumn 10
和虑可庵悲秋十首 And consider Kaan Feel sad with withered plants in the autumn 10
和虑可庵悲秋十首 And consider Kaan Feel sad with withered plants in the autumn 10
和虑可庵悲秋十首 And consider Kaan Feel sad with withered plants in the autumn 10
和虑可庵悲秋十首 And consider Kaan Feel sad with withered plants in the autumn 10
和虑可庵悲秋十首 And consider Kaan Feel sad with withered plants in the autumn 10
和虑可庵悲秋十首 And consider Kaan Feel sad with withered plants in the autumn 10
和虑可庵悲秋十首 And consider Kaan Feel sad with withered plants in the autumn 10
和虑可庵悲秋十首 And consider Kaan Feel sad with withered plants in the autumn 10
和勉斋侄二首 And Mian fast nephew 2
和闽人龚玉峰韵 And human Gong Yufeng Yun Min
和闽人龚玉峰韵 And human Gong Yufeng Yun Min
和南山弟虎图行 and Zhongnanshan Brother Tiger line
和牛知事 And cattle county magistrate (in the Republic of China)
和石庵洪府理金沙酴醾牡丹二首 And Stone Temple Hung House grounds Gold dust Yeast wine brewed twice Peony 2
和石庵洪府理金沙酴醾牡丹二首 And Stone Temple Hung House grounds Gold dust Yeast wine brewed twice Peony 2
和耜岩赞易传来韵 And Siyanzanyi came rhyme
和宋英叟二首 And Song Ying Sou 2
古诗 ancient style poetry
秋风来高楼,楼上栋云飞。 登楼杳西望,阴阻天云垂。 天阔渺无极,游子去不归。 不归在何许,意采南山芝。