阮郎归(舟行即事) Nguyen Lang return Boat or something
酹江月 pour out libation the moon's reflection on a river
酹江月(咏梅) pour out libation the moon's reflection on a river Yongmei
酹江月 pour out libation the moon's reflection on a river
酹江月(次韵东坡赋别) Pour out libation the moon's reflection on a river Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Su Fu Do
酹江月 pour out libation the moon's reflection on a river
酹江月 pour out libation the moon's reflection on a river
酹江月(春日) pour out libation the moon's reflection on a river Spring
酹江月(武昌怀古) pour out libation the moon's reflection on a river Wuchang meditate on the past
酹江月(西湖) pour out libation the moon's reflection on a river the West Lake
促拍满路花(和纯阳韵) Promote film flower moon road And pure terminal sound with m,n,ng
行香子(题罗浮) The hong son inscribe oval kumquat
汉宫春(次韵李汉老咏梅) Spring palace Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Lee Han-old Yongmei
卜算子(景泰山次韵东坡三首) Divination operator Jing tai Mountain Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Su 3
卜算子 divination operator
鹧鸪天 Partridge days
鹧鸪天 Partridge days
鹧鸪天(灯夕天谷席上作) Partridge days Evening light Tin Valley Gallery for
蝶恋花(题爱阁) Butterfly in love Question Love House
蝶恋花 Butterfly in Love
蝶恋花 Butterfly in Love
古诗 ancient style poetry
淡烟凝翠锁寒芜。 斜阳挂碧梧。 沙头三两雁相呼。 萧萧风卷芦。 何处笛,一声孤。 岸边人钓鱼。 快帆一夜泊桐庐。 问人沽酒无。