宋代 刘克庄 Liu Kezhuang  宋代   (1187~1269)
Read court bulletin 2
read Han xin Ma yuan passes a (poem)
read Qin Ji a four-line poem with seven characters to a line and a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme
read Qin Ji a four-line poem with seven characters to a line and a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme
read Yuan ji passes a (poem)
Reading History
read Vesper Poem a (poem) and Zhuxi
Reading Tom Hakki Esquire poetic essay
Reading Yan-light 2
read Friend Played Wara
read Zhuxi poem a (poem)
Cheng Du
Cuckoo Interlocution 2
Cuckoo Interlocution 2
End Ka Miscellaneous Poems Score head
End Ka Miscellaneous Poems Score head
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Read court bulletin 2

   Liu Kezhuang

Revised Code of Ping Yao early pen, straight night, carrying pink quilt with the Department.
Both willing to fight the tiger skin macrophages, due to sore Yu Hok long groan.
Jingui subnet machine still shallow, horizontal, said most victims of three networks.
Thought of Mao mountainous Xia Ri, Xi-Ke no small research to find the book.
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