寄题蒋封州三径堂堂本在丹阳后避地四明再创 Send questions Jiang Feng state three-path Grand After the lay of the land in four out Danyang re-create
寄题赵丞相独往亭诗 Send questions Zhao Prime minister Alone to Shi Ting
寄婺州周知录 Send Wuzhou Well-known copy
郊行感怀 Rural Bank recall with emotion
郊行感怀 Rural Bank recall with emotion
九日诸人集於资福阁次高季应韵三首 The ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar Morohito _set_ in the capital Fook House The high season should rhyme 3
九日诸人集於资福阁次高季应韵三首 The ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar Morohito _set_ in the capital Fook House The high season should rhyme 3
九日诸人集於资福阁次高季应韵三首 The ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar Morohito _set_ in the capital Fook House The high season should rhyme 3
句 sentence
句 sentence
哭薛吏部 Cried Xue Ministry of Official Personal Affairs in feudal China
哭薛吏部 Cried Xue Ministry of Official Personal Affairs in feudal China
林楙南挽词 Lin Maonanwanci
柳夫人挽词 willow Begum Wan-term
卢守携酒过薛直老草堂次韵 Lu Shou-Xiejiu Guoxuezhilao Thatched cottage write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words
墨梅 Plum
陪郡守赵介然泛舟 Accompany Mayor Zhao Unshakable go boating