宋代 陈著 Chen Zhu  宋代   (1214~1297)
高洁堂来见因次前韵三首 Nobleness Church to see the result of Times before the rhyme 3
高洁堂来见因次前韵三首 Nobleness Church to see the result of Times before the rhyme 3
高洁堂来见因次前韵三首 Nobleness Church to see the result of Times before the rhyme 3
庚寅仲冬七日醉书梅山弟家 GY Midwinter Drunk at home on the 7th book Meishan Di
赓吴竹修雪诗二首 Geng Wu Xue bamboo repair Two Poems
赓吴竹修雪诗二首 Geng Wu Xue bamboo repair Two Poems
公棠溪次待舅氏竺九成舟偶成 Jiu Shi Zhu Jiucheng Tangxi times when the public boat Even as
关邑簿李大用任满 Dayong Li Guan Yap book expire
癸未冬至后与妻对酌偶醉遂赋 Gui wei midwinter Wife after To drink, sitting face to face Ouzuisuifu
癸未生日书于本堂 Guiwei Life day book In nave
过鉴湖 across Mirror, looking glass Lake
过仙山咏孙松磵新庵 across Mountain inhabited by the immortals New Song Jian Yong Sun Temple
和单君范古意六首·{左虚业换鱼右攵} And single-Jun Fan Interest and charm of antique taste 6 Left Right Fan virtual industry for fish
和单君范古意六首·猎 And single-jun fan interest and charm of antique taste 6 hunt
和单君范古意六首·牧 And single-jun fan interest and charm of antique taste 6 herd
和单君范古意六首·农 And single-jun fan interest and charm of antique taste 6 farming
和单君范古意六首·圃 And single-jun fan interest and charm of antique taste 6 garden
和单君范古意六首·樵 And single-jun fan interest and charm of antique taste 6 firewood
和吴竹修 And Wu Zhu repair
和息庵呈蒙山韵 And interest Temple was Yun Meng Mountain
古诗 ancient style poetry


