曾宏甫到光山遣送鹅梨淮鱼等数种 Wang Fu had to Guangshan Wise Goose pear Huai fish numerous types
曾宏甫分饷洞庭柑 Wang Fu-min rates have Dongting Kom
曾宏甫见过因问讯鞓红花则云已落矣惊呼之馀戏成三首 Zeng Hong Fu Seen mourn for Waylay Ting Safflower The clouds exclaimed the other has been charged carry on Play into 3
曾宏甫见招看海棠而郡城新有更初阖扉之令予闻鼓亟归一诗呈宏甫 Macro have just resorted to watching Chinese cherry apple The more the beginning of the new affluence Jun Cheng Fei of the drum that I heard was urgent normalized macro just Poetry
曾宏甫饷溪山堂南坡胯新茶 Tong Wang Fu rates have been the southern slope of hip Mountains New Tea
曾同季饷建溪顾渚新茶 Rates have been built with the same quarter Stream Guzhu New Tea