宋代 胡寅 Hu Yin  宋代  
杨秀才书屋有墨竹一枝为其添补数叶五绝 poplar Xiucai Study have Bamboos painted with chinese ink One of its Fill (up) Number of leaves poem of four lines having five characters to each line
杨秀才书屋有墨竹一枝为其添补数叶五绝 poplar Xiucai Study have Bamboos painted with chinese ink One of its Fill (up) Number of leaves poem of four lines having five characters to each line
杨秀才书屋有墨竹一枝为其添补数叶五绝 poplar Xiucai Study have Bamboos painted with chinese ink One of its Fill (up) Number of leaves poem of four lines having five characters to each line
杨秀才书屋有墨竹一枝为其添补数叶五绝 poplar Xiucai Study have Bamboos painted with chinese ink One of its Fill (up) Number of leaves poem of four lines having five characters to each line
邀朱推单令周尉赏西邻野人屋前梅花次单令韵 Yaozhutuidan Lingzhouweishang West Caveman Front of the house Mumeplant japanese Second one to make Yun
夜大风雪次日快晴 Night university wind snow Morrow Fast clear
以崇正辩示新仲 Shung Ching Chung debate to show the new
以墨一品饷叔夏 To ink The highest rank in officialdom in an ancient chinese court (usually the prime minister) Rating Shu Xia
忆端子三首 recall Terminal 3
用明有携酒赏梅之约久而未至复和以督之 Ming Xie Jiu shower the plum with a long while before the arrival of some complex and to the Governor of
用前韵简单令 Rhyme with the former Simple Order
游淡竹岩 swim Dan zhu rock
游三角寺 swim Triangle temple
游武夷赠刘生 Swim wu yi present Liu Sheng
游云湖 Travel Cloud Lake
又和锦阜登高 Another and Kam Fu ascend
又和松碧轩三绝 Another and Song Bi Xuan Ruin
又和松碧轩三绝 Another and Song Bi Xuan Ruin
古诗 ancient style poetry


