吴潘二台官以直言左迁董夕郎亦以荐贤之故相继翩然而去公论惜之三学叩阍来归刘声伯感而赋诗因次其韵 Wu Pan two _set_s of officials to respect Zuo Qian Xi Dong Yi Yi Jian Yin Lang of public opinion away so lightly but unfortunately have been three studies of the call-http to return a sense of poetry Liu Bo-dimensional sound of the rhyme
吴潘二台官以直言左迁董夕郎亦以荐贤之故相继翩然而去公论惜之三学叩阍来归刘声伯感而赋诗因次其韵 Wu Pan two _set_s of officials to respect Zuo Qian Xi Dong Yi Yi Jian Yin Lang of public opinion away so lightly but unfortunately have been three studies of the call-http to return a sense of poetry Liu Bo-dimensional sound of the rhyme
五峰岩 5 Fengyan
悟枯崖将过莆城参访后村书此赠行 Wu Po dry cliff over the city to visit Hou village Shucizengxing
西湖怀古 the West Lake meditate on the past
西来洞天 West to fancinating place
西塔 The west point on the horizon where the sun sets Tower
溪亭夜集走笔 River Pavilion Night _Set_ write rapidly
喜郭吉甫擢第调尉八柱还里 Hi Guoji Fu Zhuodidiaoyu 8 column Also in Village