新岁五十始觉衰悴因书长句奉呈仲巽少卿 New year The number 50 *50 Shi jue Shuaicui By the book Tang poetry of having seven characters to each line Bong was Zhongxunshaoqing
行次塘堤 Line times Tangdi
宣甫以栟榈茶刷见惠继之以诗依韵奉和 Xuanfuyibinglvchashua See hui Jizhiyishiyiyun Feng and
宣徽南院使太子太保赠司空冯公挽辞三首 Xuanhui Southern branch cause Officer who tutors the crown prince present Minister of public works in ancient china Feng company Wan-speech Sanshou
宣徽南院使太子太保赠司空冯公挽辞三首 Xuanhui Southern branch cause Officer who tutors the crown prince present Minister of public works in ancient china Feng company Wan-speech Sanshou
宣徽南院使太子太保赠司空冯公挽辞三首 Xuanhui Southern branch cause Officer who tutors the crown prince present Minister of public works in ancient china Feng company Wan-speech Sanshou