宋代 陈傅良 Chen Fuliang  宋代   (1137~1203)
折子明提刑自湘中以诗问讯用韵酬之 Booklet in accordion form with a slipcase, used for keeping accounts, etc. Explicitly mentioned self-punishment Hunan Verse Waylay Remuneration of Rhymes
郑自明哀词 state in today's Henan Tell its own tale Sad words
止斋即事二首 Only fast That thing 2
止斋曲廊初成 Only the beginning as fast Qulang
仲一以诗来用韵奉答 Chung a rhyming verse to Bong A
仲一以诗来用韵奉答 Chung a rhyming verse to Bong A
仲一以诗来用韵奉答 Chung a rhyming verse to Bong A
重阳和朱直方韵 The double ninth festival And Zhu Yun straight side
重阳日寄瑞安留宰留宰以是日宴新第人并见招不及赴 The double ninth festival daily lodge at Ruian Jae Jae yes day stay to stay the first people the new dinner and see the strokes Less attend
舟中奉呈赵帅一首且速迎侍相与满岁 Boat Bong was Zhao Shuai A (poem) And speed Ying Shi Together Over age
周和叔通判雪寒索酒戏用来韵以将朋尊 Zhou and Shu An official under county magistrate who administers lawsuit,etc. Ice cold cable is used to rhyme with wine show respect to friends
周宜义三子仲敏明□幼谨同年登第因以前韵奉寄 Young like the third son Zhongmin Ming Zhou Yiyi Class Registration no. mourn for Ever Send Yun Feng
朱及之以所种荔枝结实招饮不及赴以诗谢之 Zhu and the to the Species lychee Seed Dr. Yin Less Xie went to the poem
作南塘记郡守沈持要以诗来谢次韵奉酬 Except a record as Mayor of poetry to be held Shen Xie Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Feng pay
古诗 ancient style poetry


