宋代 杨万里 Yang Wanli  宋代   (1127~1206)
登度雪台观金沙荼蘼 Dengduoxuetai to look at Gold dust Tu millet
登多稼亭晓望 Teng Jia Ting and more Xiao Wang
登凤凰台 ascend Phoenix TV
登奉圣寺千佛阁四首 Teng Feng Sheng Temple Qian foge 4
登奉圣寺千佛阁四首 Teng Feng Sheng Temple Qian foge 4
登奉圣寺千佛阁四首 Teng Feng Sheng Temple Qian foge 4
登奉圣寺千佛阁四首 Teng Feng Sheng Temple Qian foge 4
登净远亭 Teng-Yuan Ting net
登牛者蛾眉亭二首 Teng cow Crescent pavilion 2
登牛者蛾眉亭二首 Teng cow Crescent pavilion 2
登清心阁 ascend Save worry cabinet
登天柱冈 Beyond the bounds of Column Gang
钓台 fishing table
钓雪舟中霜夜望月 Ice Fishing Boat Night Cream full moon
丁亥正月新晴晚步二首 Ding hai,the twenty-fourth of the cycle of the sixty in the chinese calender The first month of the lunar year New sol Late step 2
丁亥正月新晴晚步二首 Ding hai,the twenty-fourth of the cycle of the sixty in the chinese calender The first month of the lunar year New sol Late step 2
丁未元月 Dingwei, the forty-fourth of the cycle of the sixty in Chinese calendar january
丁酉初春和张钦夫榕溪阁五言曾达臣挽词 Ding The first month of spring Hezhangqinfu Banyan creek court Wu yan ever Up to chen Word pull
丁酉皿月十日之官毗陵,舟行阻风,宿椆陂江口二首 Ding Pan month On the 10th The official Piling, chang prefecture in jiang su province Boat wind resistance Pei Su glauca Estuary 2
丁酉皿月十日之官毗陵,舟行阻风,宿椆陂江口二首 Ding Pan month On the 10th The official Piling, chang prefecture in jiang su province Boat wind resistance Pei Su glauca Estuary 2
古诗 ancient style poetry


