宋代 杜范 Du Fan  宋代  
丁丑别金坛刘漫塘七首 Dingchou,the fourteen of the circle of the sixty in chinese calandar Do Kim Man Liu Tong 7 Forum
丁丑别金坛刘漫塘七首 Dingchou,the fourteen of the circle of the sixty in chinese calandar Do Kim Man Liu Tong 7 Forum
丁丑别金坛刘漫塘七首 Dingchou,the fourteen of the circle of the sixty in chinese calandar Do Kim Man Liu Tong 7 Forum
丁丑别金坛刘漫塘七首 Dingchou,the fourteen of the circle of the sixty in chinese calandar Do Kim Man Liu Tong 7 Forum
丁丑别金坛刘漫塘七首 Dingchou,the fourteen of the circle of the sixty in chinese calandar Do Kim Man Liu Tong 7 Forum
丁丑别金坛刘漫塘七首 Dingchou,the fourteen of the circle of the sixty in chinese calandar Do Kim Man Liu Tong 7 Forum
丁丑别金坛刘漫塘七首 Dingchou,the fourteen of the circle of the sixty in chinese calandar Do Kim Man Liu Tong 7 Forum
丁卯九月十夜观月 Ding mao,the fourth of the cycle of the sixty in the chinese calendar September 10 On the night view
方山和篇再和韵 Mesa And articles re- to adapt rhymes to a given sound
方山有求转语之作并用韵二章 Mesa A request for transfer of the Language Use...simultaneously Zhang Yun 2
方山有求转语之作并用韵二章 Mesa A request for transfer of the Language Use...simultaneously Zhang Yun 2
飞雪未已可谓佳端约判簿判务二丈同登尊经阁 Snow did not have As it were Good side about sub-contracting services nijo with the registration book classics and Court
奉祀礼毕饮福有感偶成 To offer sacrifices (to the dead, etc.) Libiyinfu Thoughts Even as
复用韵以见别情 Multiplexing Rhyme to see a different reason
高兄徐仓高弟和刘公之两绝见寄再韵谢之 Gaoxiongxucang Gaudi And Liu public of the two must see Yun Xie sent another of
高兄徐仓高弟和刘公之两绝见寄再韵谢之 Gaoxiongxucang Gaudi And Liu public of the two must see Yun Xie sent another of
耕甫弟寄示秋怀二章冗不能皆和次韵后章谩见爱助之意 Gengfudi Send show Huai qiu Erzhangrong Cannot Jiehe Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Houzhangman Be loved aid not dream of
耕甫归书约信二字为别二首 Koho return letter written about the word for the other two
古诗 ancient style poetry


