宋代 杨万里 Yang Wanli  宋代   (1127~1206)
月夜观雪三首 A moonlight night to look at Snow 3
月夜散策县圃,有飞蝶,仍闻笛声 A moonlight night San policy County nursery has Flying butterfly Still smell fluting
月夜阻风,泊舟太湖石塘南头四首 A moonlight night Wind resistance Bo Zhou Taihu rock Tangnan first four
月夜阻风,泊舟太湖石塘南头四首 A moonlight night Wind resistance Bo Zhou Taihu rock Tangnan first four
月夜阻风,泊舟太湖石塘南头四首 A moonlight night Wind resistance Bo Zhou Taihu rock Tangnan first four
月夜阻风,泊舟太湖石塘南头四首 A moonlight night Wind resistance Bo Zhou Taihu rock Tangnan first four
月中炬火发仙山驿,小睡射亭五首 Ides Lamp hair Mountain inhabited by the immortals remount stations Snooze Radio booth 5
月中炬火发仙山驿,小睡射亭五首 Ides Lamp hair Mountain inhabited by the immortals remount stations Snooze Radio booth 5
月中炬火发仙山驿,小睡射亭五首 Ides Lamp hair Mountain inhabited by the immortals remount stations Snooze Radio booth 5
月中炬火发仙山驿,小睡射亭五首 Ides Lamp hair Mountain inhabited by the immortals remount stations Snooze Radio booth 5
月中炬火发仙山驿,小睡射亭五首 Ides Lamp hair Mountain inhabited by the immortals remount stations Snooze Radio booth 5
云际寺前山顶却望幡竿、鹧鸪诸山二首 High in the clouds temple Front range Top Quewangfangan Francolin Mountains, 2
云际寺前山顶却望幡竿、鹧鸪诸山二首 High in the clouds temple Front range Top Quewangfangan Francolin Mountains, 2
云龙歌调陆务观 View in Lu Yunlong Airs
再併赋瑞香水仙兰三花 Again and to give Daphne Bulbus narcissi chinensi orchid three flower
再病书怀呈仲良 Another disease Form was Was Churyo
再病书怀呈仲良 Another disease Form was Was Churyo
再病书怀呈仲良 Another disease Form was Was Churyo
再登垂虹亭三首 remount Chuihong booth 3
古诗 ancient style poetry


