宋代 韩元吉 Han Yuanji  宋代   (1118~1187)
南剑道中 Kendo in South
南涧 Nanjian
南涧 Nanjian
南涧 Nanjian
南涧 Nanjian
南涧 Nanjian
南岩 nanyan
偶得佳酒怀尹少稷闻其连日致斋在台作长句寄之 Wai Yin Shaoji even have to hear the good wine Day after day To fast for Taiwan Tang poetry of having seven characters to each line Send the
偶兴四首 Even xing 4
偶兴四首 Even xing 4
陪曾吉甫游中山 Once accompanied jeep tour Zhongshan
平生八见女而存者五人比又得女少稷作诗宽次韵谢之 s life 8 See women and five survivors were women less than they Ji Poetry across Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Thank the
七夕 the seventh evening of the seventh moon(when according to legend the Cowherd and the Weaver Maid meet in Heaven)
七夕亚之置酒再用前韵 The seventh evening of the seventh moon(when according to legend the cowherd and the weaver maid meet in heaven) Asia of Zhijiu Resume Former rhyme
七夕与孟婿约汤朝美率徐行中游鹤山 The seventh evening of the seventh moon(when according to legend the cowherd and the weaver maid meet in heaven) And Meng husband Tom DPRK and the U.S. rate of about Creep Middle reaches (of a river) crane Mountain
青阳龙池山潮泉其应有时祷于泉上坐顷三应山中人以为未有也 Qingyang Longchi mountain Chao Quan their For sth owed sth Prayer in the spring when the three should sit are In the mountains Human Conceive Do not have also
清晖阁 Ching Fai House
清旷亭送子云得有字 Peaceful and spacious Pavilion send Sub-cloud Must have a word
清明 sober and calm
清明后一日同诸友湖上值雨 Sober and calm rear Day Friends with all Lake Value of rain
古诗 ancient style poetry


