宋代 方岳 Fang Yue  宋代   (1199~1262)
Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Liu book View of snow With the east slope of multiple star Tangyunjinti Story
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Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Liu book View of snow With the east slope of multiple star Tangyunjinti Story

   Fang Yue

Jiang Gao Fei Anan leaves, broken windows Ming pattering snow emergency.
Random drift honey is bitter cold shower, humming the odd glass is also absolutely crazy.
Yin can be frozen but Bifeng health, wake up mad clog teeth feel off.
Reluctant urgent King talk calmly, the magic dust and air change off the pitch.
Shu Mei smile of scattered clouds, a hundred years, such as instant electrical switch.
Wind Ningguang Xuanyan For flowers, wine, face flushing with raw Valerian.
Tao language drama where a mere boast, and so compete with the Yin Xie Xie Xie.
Tippler out that where the horse air, slope style Yan glance at the old brush.
Two cents to the public has long been a generation yet who said Merry.
Evening, not smoking whale speech, drunk in saying Zheng, such as iron.
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