闽宪法克庄以故旧吒文公五世孙明仲远徵鄙老退遗弃散逸荷伯宗用昭止善浩渊子勗至善及余表侄孙陈谊予兄子丰仲弟之婿贾熙用昭之从子大年等十馀人寒冬连旬日夜录得五十卷亦已劳为谢 Min readers Constitution grams village to old friends and old wengong V Sun Mingzhong expedition rustic retreat dissipation Hebo were abandoned only with good Hao Yuan Chao Xu perfection and I sub-tables, grand nephew to Aniko Feng Chen Yi Zhong Xi Jia br
母氏生朝会同官 Mushi Korean students Jointly with other organizations concerned Official
陪间荆州九日登高晏示坐中呈二帅 accompany Equi__set__um State The ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar ascend Yanshizuozhong were two handsome
陪戎州范守阎倅饮涪翁纪事 Accompany Rong zhou Fanshouyancuiyin Weng fu river commentary
七月十一日大雨次日又大雨 jul Eleven daily Cataract Morrow and cataract
妻兄张伯高来访横河感旧与拜先君墓下有作次韵 Qixiongzhangbogao Come (a)round Henghe To remember the deceased with emotion Yubai Deceased father Muxia Be in (a) condition (to do a thing) write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words
妻兄张伯高来访横河感旧与拜先君墓下有作次韵 Qixiongzhangbogao Come (a)round Henghe To remember the deceased with emotion Yubai Deceased father Muxia Be in (a) condition (to do a thing) write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words