晚泊桃源驿奉怀幕府诸公 Night park Taoyuan relay Feng Huai Office of the commanding officer Pinch
晚泊同安林明府携酒相过戏集杜陵句为醉歌行 Night park House with An Linming Xiejiu Xiangguoxiji Empress du tomb Sentence to drunk a style of old Chinese poems
晚自东湖携藉花归儿辈争插盆池香艳不歇亦供两日嗅玩因成 Since late East lake Carrying flowers to go Children Plug war Basin pond Eclectic Prodigiously Olfactory also play for two days due to become
闻太母还舆喜极成歌 famous Grandmother Also yu Xi Ji Cheng Song