和慎思初入试院 And deliberative first joined the hospital test
和慎思秋日同文馆诗 And deliberative Autumn Wen Shi
和慎思秋日同文馆诗 And deliberative Autumn Wen Shi
和慎思诗呈同院后至诸公 And carefully consider the poem was to pinch with the hospital
和慎思诗呈同院诸公 And carefully consider the poem was the gentlemen with the hospital
和慎思同舍问及故山景物用钟字韵诗以答 And consider the matter carefully and ask the same house Reason mountain Sight With the word clock Verse For a reply
和慎思未试即事杂书率用秋日同文馆为首句 And carefully consider the test that do not rate the book with mixed Autumn Wen Head sentence
和慎思未试即事杂书率用秋日同文馆为首句 And carefully consider the test that do not rate the book with mixed Autumn Wen Head sentence
和慎思未试即事杂书率用秋日同文馆为首句 And carefully consider the test that do not rate the book with mixed Autumn Wen Head sentence
和慎思重九考罢试卷书呈同院诸公 And deliberative The double ninth festival (9th day of the 9th lunar month) Stop test Paper Books were the gentlemen in the same hospital
和文潜初伏大雨戏呈无咎 And cultural potential The first day of the first period of the hot season Cataract The diversity of play was
和文潜欲知归期近 For cultural potential Date of return approximately