宋代 李壁 Li Bi  宋代  
賦黃香梅絶句八首正月二十三作時築樓居將就 poetic essay (surname) preserved fragrant prune Quatrains 8 The first month of the lunar year Score 3 for home when the building floor make do with sth.
賦黃香梅絶句八首正月二十三作時築樓居將就 poetic essay (surname) preserved fragrant prune Quatrains 8 The first month of the lunar year Score 3 for home when the building floor make do with sth.
賦黃香梅絶句八首正月二十三作時築樓居將就 poetic essay (surname) preserved fragrant prune Quatrains 8 The first month of the lunar year Score 3 for home when the building floor make do with sth.
賦黃香梅絶句八首正月二十三作時築樓居將就 poetic essay (surname) preserved fragrant prune Quatrains 8 The first month of the lunar year Score 3 for home when the building floor make do with sth.
賦黃香梅絶句八首正月二十三作時築樓居將就 poetic essay (surname) preserved fragrant prune Quatrains 8 The first month of the lunar year Score 3 for home when the building floor make do with sth.
賦黃香梅絶句八首正月二十三作時築樓居將就 poetic essay (surname) preserved fragrant prune Quatrains 8 The first month of the lunar year Score 3 for home when the building floor make do with sth.
賦黃香梅絶句八首正月二十三作時築樓居將就 poetic essay (surname) preserved fragrant prune Quatrains 8 The first month of the lunar year Score 3 for home when the building floor make do with sth.
賦黃香梅絶句八首正月二十三作時築樓居將就 poetic essay (surname) preserved fragrant prune Quatrains 8 The first month of the lunar year Score 3 for home when the building floor make do with sth.
觀鴈湖經行留題 to look at Gander lake follower of Buddhism go around a place for resting,etc. comments written after visiting a place
過漢州留房公湖一日戲和少陵韻二首 across Chinese state Lake left room public Day Play and shaoling rhyme 2
過昭君村賦詩 across Zhaojun village indite
黃陵題詠二首 Huang di mausoleum Ode 2
季允用韻各賦兩章予亦再賦四首 Rhyme of the quarter allowed to have assigned two chapters Then given 4
金石山林宣參山房 Metal and stone Mountain and forest Vision reference Shan Fang
句 sentence
句 sentence
句 sentence
句 sentence
古詩 ancient style poetry


