送程给事知越州 Give way to something more state of knowledge
题鼓山元公亭 inscribe Beat mountain Ting Yuan Kung
挽赠太常少卿封川曹使君观 Wan-gift An offical who controls ritual,god of land and god of grains Shaoqing Feng Chuan Cao Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china to look at
戊戌清明在吴去春阅武于河朔今被召参贰大农悦然有感 Reform Movement Sober and calm In Wu To spring Access to weapons today called on Shuo Participation ii However, a large agricultural Yue Thoughts
巡按睦州过乌龙山 An inspector-general in the ming dynasty Mu Zhou had Oolong Mountain
因览状元节推和诗再和一首 For table The very best (in any field) Festival push To compose verses to match those by others (as a literary exercise) Again and a (poem)