西江月(芍药) the west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the moon's reflection on a river peony
西江月(二月旦侍女兄游高斋) The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the moon's reflection on a river February dawn Handmaid Brother Tour Kosai
生查子(拒霜花) Child health check Resist frosting
生查子(正月十六日周仲先劝酒) Child health check The first month of the lunar year caroche daily Zhouzhongxian 在酒席上
减字木兰花(预作菊词,俾歌之,至时以侑酒) Jianzimu orchid Pre-term to serve for Ju Song Be lost in Shiyiyoujiu
减字木兰花(咏木犀) Jianzimu orchid Yong Osmanthus
减字木兰花(甲午九月末在婺州韩守坐上和陈尚书韵李处全) Jianzimu orchid Jiawu September Mozaiwuzhouhanshouzuo Cast (in) one's lot with [throw in one's lot with] Exhibit, display shang shu rhyme Li Chuquan
相见欢(见月闻笛八月五夜) Huan meet See month Pipe Aug Five nights
江城子(重阳) Jiang Chengzai the Double Ninth Festival
忆秦娥 Same Name
好事近(茶_) Good near Tea
蓦山溪 suddenly coulee
卜算子 divination operator
诉衷情 complain heartfelt emotion
醉蓬莱(毛氏女兄生朝三月二十八日) Drunk a fabled abode of immortals Mao Elder sister Korean students Mar twain The number 18 daily
贺新郎(和俞叔夜七夕) Congratulate benedict Heyushuye the seventh evening of the seventh moon(when according to legend the Cowherd and the Weaver Maid meet in Heaven)