鹧鸪天(为妻寿) Partridge days Take to one's bosom birthday
鹧鸪天(宋子渊生日) Partridge days Songziyuan a birthday [Christmas] gift
鹧鸪天(为薛子昭寿) Partridge days To Xuezi Zhao Shou
朝中措(游王沅州山亭) Chao zhongcuo Yu Wang Yuan state shanting
朝中措(立夏日观酴醿作) Chao zhongcuo Beginning of summer Outlook for Japanese yeast Mi
柳梢青(次韵赵德庄) Blue willow Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words ZHAO Chong Village
柳梢青(七夕诸公祖席) Blue willow The seventh evening of the seventh moon(when according to legend the cowherd and the weaver maid meet in heaven) Pinch ancestral seat
好事近(张子仪席上) Good near Zhang Ziyi scholars
好事近 Good near
好事近 Good near
桃源忆故人 Yuen Yi decedent
菩萨蛮(德舆饯别坐间作) Song form Deyu Give a farewell dinner _set_ intercrop
浣溪沙 Huan Xisha
浣溪沙 Huan Xisha
醉落魄(正月二十日张园赏海棠作) drunk abjection The first month of the lunar year score day yuan zhang garden admire chinese cherry apple work
醉落魄(后两日,再拉同官,席上用前韵) Drunk abjection Two days after Redraw With officials Scholars Rhyme with the former
醉落魄(中秋前一日,饯潘德鄜于花光,用德鄜韵) Drunk abjection Mid-autumn front Day Preserves Pande spent with German Carnival Carnival in rhyme