诉衷情(夜直殿庐,晚雪,因作) Complain heartfelt emotion Straight night Temple house Due to late snow
诉衷情(赵德大还延平,因语旧游,作此以赠之) Complain heartfelt emotion ZHAO Yanping large also because language Formerly-visited place For this in order to grant the
诉衷情 complain heartfelt emotion
踏莎行 Tasha Hang
眼儿媚(闺思) Those bewitching eyes Gui Si
眼儿媚 Those bewitching eyes
蝶恋花(惜春) Butterfly in Love Xichun
蓦山溪(坤宁殿得旨次韵赋照水梅花) Suddenly coulee Kun Ning Temple Was aimed Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Fu Zhao water mumeplant japanese