宋代 晁元礼 Chao Yuanli  宋代   (1046~1113)
shān suddenly coulee
shān suddenly coulee
shān suddenly coulee
qiān yīng Xi Ying move
qiān yīng Xi Ying move
qiān yīng Xi Ying move
qìn yuán chūn Patio Spring
shuǐ diào tóu Shuidiaogetou
jīn zhǎn dǎo chuí lián Calendula Overhang Line Lian
bǎi bǎo zhuāng
dié jade Hu Die
lán huā Magnolia flower
jīn zhǎn Calendula child
dòng xiān Dong Xiange
ān gōng quiet son of a high official
qìng shòu guāng Qing Shouguang
huáng rào shù Oriole Raobishu
yǒng Yong Yule
mǎn jiāng hóng Azolla
chūn qíng Chun-Ching
mǎn River Mitsuko
zuì táo yuán Drunk Taoyuan
cóng huā A cluster of flowers
gǎn huáng 'ēn affect the emperor's kindness
duō shǒu yī yè
shī ancient style poetry


  lán gān shí 'èr biàn hái zhòng
   bān chóuduì fāng cǎoshāng chūn qiān
   chuāng shēn chùhái jiě rén yún hóng
   céng zhàng dōng fēng
   liáo qiáng shēn yuàn tōng shēn
   zòng shǐ xīn shēngyòu zhēng zhīxiāng míng
   cóng lái fēng yùnxiāo jìn chóuniǎn huākàn ruǐ
   yìng chéng qiáo cuì

【wénjí】 huā huā