宋代 袁燮 Yuan Xie  宋代   (1144~1224)
An edge
Disease present
illness In the interest(s) of Mumeplant japanese Thoughts 4
illness In the interest(s) of Mumeplant japanese Thoughts 4
illness In the interest(s) of Mumeplant japanese Thoughts 4
Dingwei, the forty-fourth of the cycle of the sixty in chinese calendar The winter Cantonment Be accomplished There Pavilion As the bird spreads its wings And named for the song and advise power Instruct and guide With the public
Ferry River
And Dong Lin Zhan Tong Honorific title for a buddhist monk Snow hi Yun 5
And Dong Lin Zhan Tong Honorific title for a buddhist monk Snow hi Yun 5
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

An edge

   Yuan Xie

An edge in the good will, Zhi Yi Chao raw language.
No Yoshiomi border, I prince Yu Hu to solid.
What good for the country, and take your four virtues.
Qing enemy intelligence system, Union armies to ask.
Yong Ren enough minions, loyal enough to send the heart backbone.
Among the letter Zai Jie Xun were in the palace.
Adams died there is no lack, a sense of the Lord will be out.
Arts Zuying Rui-owned, sword given area buildings.
He is arrogant anger enemies, find my million tiger companion.
Trilateral fourth to everyone Fen Wu material.
Wal-Mart is vegetation, demand justice from the bottles ZU.
Pet event of the year Long, commanded the company of other Mo.
City trespassing sign off Monopolizing, Jinbo Feng given.
When the surface of confidential Chen, Yan see virtual Dunning.
Tin Yan on the right close, volume, and the house sit.
Class hierarchy forget, my dear, are the heart.
Twenty years Shu contains nearly have ten years of business.
Chao Shou-Kwan Han, trafficking vend such as merchants.
An Act have this, You Zhao Xu special hearing.
Into the rule also ranked, with the right W} {left tile cover their buildings.
Each fall Yousi executive, as into other children.
Treasures more than storage, bury as dirt.
Reward crop-full cattle wine, Xiao Xiong rate encouraging.
Glutton never take risks, the enemy complete witness.
Plot the number of violations, the first thing prepared Yan Yu.
Mentoring though not many, Yong Han Mok to be humiliated.
Though not attack the press, a sense of German self-week general.
I realized that Xinjiang security policy, security environment the most substantial work.
Henkel Is not Wei, Ping Cheng and also care and thought.
Base words end and the pro, gold Zeng Feng Jiao prisoner.
Song Xing Ru I, principal of St GDI secondary.
North people get bent, before the matter is ancient mask.
REHABILITATIVE Although Zhiping, Chesang not rain.
And the good would rather rely, human resources to more storage.
Tiny country since ancient times, pulling ten, and was five.
Relevant and Zhang Shu, Wu Yong Zhou and Lu.
Toast this, such as forests, mow their salary Chu wrong.
Do the right to the door, to be held to public opinion.
Will be fine if a little harsh, not to fear Reticulum.
Deep planting the root of the macro, well-fixed lattice window households.
Enrong are grateful Facilities without discord.
Chunhua Wen Xi, there is Chen Yue Cheng moment.
Fang Tian contain Diji, Tong Lok deep obstacles.
When it was built early policies, group discussions will also pay ju.
Wong heart broken perplexed, until by blocking border town.
For the past, when the Qi Ming nowhere.
Regulation should be prolonged cross, waste Que to make thread.
Instruments to study mature, people gather to give birth.
If you do not suspect the appointment, false accusers dare Qingtu.
Fruit was guarding, successful to have Syria.
What is today, the founding ancestor, as I am.
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