宋代 李洪 Li Hong  宋代   (1129~1183)
lán huā màn Magnolia Huaman
mǎn tíng fāng ) Man ting fang Osmanthus
mǎn jiāng hóng jiān tián liú
nán xiāng jiān tián
zhè tiānsòng zhì tānɡ quán
jiāng yuèsòng shí _ · tíng
mán Song Form
huàn shāméi jīng shān xuě
qián diàoshān zhōng qīng míng hòu xuě) Before transfer In the mountains Sober and calm rear Day heavy snow
qián diào chūn
niàn jiāoxiǎo guān luò méi) Stories of Xiao qi to look at La Mei
suàn sòng xián zǎo méi
ān guó Ankokuji
yuè shí yuè yòuhuái fēng
zhì yuán shěng shì shū 'èr xiōng yīn chéng 'èr shī
zhì yuán shěng shì shū 'èr xiōng yīn chéng 'èr shī Than to Wu former province of paternity Uncle Second Brother as two poems by
bié xīng cóng yóu Do Wuxing from Tour
bié yáo jiāng Do Yao River
bǐng yín yuán Bingyin Mongol
fēng shū zhōng suì zhī yīn Bo feng Bowdlerize appraise Last year The seventh evening of the seventh moon(when according to legend the cowherd and the weaver maid meet in heaven) The music for Send
fēng tóng yóu zhà shàng shì suǒ bié yùn Bo feng You rain on the matter with the cable suddenly do not complete write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words
shí zhí
fēi yīng fāng Choose a place for residence Fly british lane
guò xiān xiá lǐng Step Over Xianxia ling Ridge
duō shǒu yī yè
shī ancient style poetry
huàn shāméi jīng shān xuě


  shǐ jiáo xiáng luán shàng fēng
   piāo xiāo xuě xiàn chuán péng
   tiān huā líng luàn shuǐ jīng gōng
   fēi tòu zhǐ chuāng xié shìchuī huí miàn yīn fēng
   shēn yóu shuǐ huà zhōng
