宋代 刘澜 Liu Lan  宋代   (?~1276)
qìng gōng chūnzhòng dēng 'é méi tíng gǎn jiù) Chun-ching gong Remount Mt. emei (a buddhist resort in sichuan) booth to remember the deceased with emotion
duān xiānhǎi táng
tiān xīng jùn yàn jiù rén) Monkey music Yan Wu Xing county met the old man
mǎi bēi tángyóu tiān tái yàn dàng dōng ) buy Ponds Tour rooftop Wild Goose East Lake
qìng gōng chūn . zhòng dēng 'é méi tíng gǎn jiù Chun-ching gong Remount Crescent Pavilion to remember the deceased with emotion
ruì xiān Rui Xian
tóng jiāng xiǎo Tung river Xiao Park
fǎng kǎn zhí wēng Interview Kan Weng directly
qìng gōng chūn
tiān Monkey Music
mǎi bēi táng buy Ponds
duō shǒu yī yè
shī ancient style poetry
qìng gōng chūn


  ( zhòng dēng 'é méi tíng gǎn jiù
   chūn jiǎn míng jīn zhǔjìng guāng jìn jìn hán
   shuāng 'éyíng fēng xiàoliǎng qíng jiù mòmò
   shí tóng zuìjǐn páo shī shā
   yīng yóu zàimǎn qīng shānfēi xià bái
