宋代 赵汝愚 Zhao Ruyu  宋代  
liǔ shāo qīng ) Blue willow the West Lake
jīn méi huā
liú ruǎn miào
shén xiù lóu luò chéng Shen Xiu Building completed
shí qiáo rand
sòng xué shì wāng diàn guī yín
zhú zèng wèi qīng shū zhī tán zhōu
tóng lín zhī yáo hóng yóu shān _Select_ion of the same forest Yao hong just swim Beat Mountain
zhì shuǎng xuān
duō shǒu yī yè
shī ancient style poetry


  hán xuě míng méng wàishān yún xiǎn huì zhōng
