宋代 姚孝锡 Yao Xiaoxi  宋代  
jiāo banana
chūn shū huái Spring Form was
chūn qiáo
píng dēng tái yòu gǎn yùn times Li ping child Appearance Thoughts rhyme
yùn gōng cái duì jiàn huái Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Public only On Ju See Wai
yùn xiāng gōng 'ǒu chéng
yùn qiū xīng write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Autumn
yùn wáng jìng jiàn write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Wang mojing See Send
cūn 'ǒu chéng Murai Even as
dēng lóu yòuhuái Ascend building Are pregnant
dōng xuān qín shì 'ér Dong xuan (mus. instr.) Instruct son name of a river
chéng guān qīng jiàn
huā qián zhuó 'èr jué
huā qián zhuó 'èr jué Flowers ago Drinking alone by moonlight twain Quatrains
tián cháo sàn shàn Send fields Toward san Zensuke
xián Homebound
jiǔ fēng shān
duō shǒu yī yè
shī ancient style poetry
yùn gōng cái duì jiàn huái


   péng xīn gǎn 'èr máo qīnshàng yīn qīng zūn duì zhēn
   jiǔ zhī lán tóng chòu wèi niǎo gāo shēn
   shí pín gān qín zhì bìng kōng huái zòu chǔ yīn
   guà yóu shàng niú dǒumàn píng liú shuǐ sòng guī xīn

【wénjí】 huā