宋代 王阮 Wang Yuan  宋代  
yuè guò lín shǒu Aug Guo Xilin a (poem)
běi shān wàng yáng zhōu huái North-solid mountain hope Yangzhou meditate on the past
bēn niú zhá shǐ zhě shǒu Bonnieux Gate event Mercury conclusion of peace a (poem)
shǔ yān shuǐ tíng wáng jǐng wén huí wén lián shǒu
cāng zhōu 'èr shǒu
cāng zhōu 'èr shǒu
cáo 'é miào shǒu e Temple a (poem)
chāng guó 'ǒu chéng shǒu Chang Country Even as a (poem)
chāng guó zhì mǎn chén jiū xíng yùn shǒu Chang country full time rank Yun Chen correct ancestral line a (poem)
cháng fēng shā jiāo sòng zhàng yùn shǒu Long sand blown by the wind Jiaosongzhangyun a (poem)
chén gāo huì shī yùn yán xiè shǒu Chen Mi Gao Hui Shi Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Yan Xie a (poem)
chí yáng dào zhōng shǒu
chū fēng chéng shǒu to help a joint cause Abundant city a (poem)
chū jiāo fǎng shěn dòng zhù shǒu The rural Shen visit Main hole a (poem)
chú yòu gǎn shǒu
zhuànshè zhōng zhú shǒu
yùn tán 'èr zhàng 'èr shǒu Meeting and Germany To adapt rhymes to a given sound Send Tan Li nijo 2
yùn tán 'èr zhàng 'èr shǒu Meeting and Germany To adapt rhymes to a given sound Send Tan Li nijo 2
guān yùn wáng jǐng wén shǒu View sub-Yun Lu Services Send Wang jing character a (poem)
yùn chóu zhōu hàn shǒu Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words fulfil Li zhou writing a (poem)
yùn fàn shí běi chuāng shū huái shǒu Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Fan Shi Hubei window Form was a (poem)
yùn lái jiàn zèng shǒu
yùn jiào 'èr shǒu Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Ye teach two
yùn jiào 'èr shǒu Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Ye teach two
duō shǒu yī yè
shī ancient style poetry
xīn chāng liú bié shǒu


  fèng mìng zhū qiú xià pínkàng zhāng kěn bái shàng guān chēn
   zhòng liǎn qiān shìníng shēn wén zhōng shēn
   xún liáng bāng yòu làishì suī pín jiàn shēn
   kōng yān tíng xià táo huā shuǐhǎo sòng piānzhōu rén

【wénjí】táo huā